Issue 29



Published September 2014

  • TITANIUM DIOXIDE NANOPARTICLES: One of the largest nanomaterials markets, we focus on applications, products and producers. Markets for products incorporating nano-Tio2 range from cosmetics and sunscreens to solar energy.
  • MEDICAL NANOCOATINGS: The global medical device industry has experienced significant growth over the past 5 years. There has been a growing use of anti-bacterial and superhydrophilic nanocoatings in medical devices in recent years to combat problems of infection.
  • ZIRCONIUM OXIDE NANOPARTICLES: Profiles of the world’s 9 leading producers, based in Germany, the United States and Japan.
  • NANOTECH BUSINESS NEWS: All the latest nanotech business news from August-September 2014.
  • WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN: Latest research and product development.