
50 Emerging Technologies and Materials That Will Shape the Future


TechVision50 is Future Market’s guide to the 50 greatest opportunities in Advanced Technologies and Materials at the mid-point of 2024. This analysis provides a spotlight on the significant untapped potential within next-generation technologies and materials.  In the rapidly changing market landscape of 2024, where technological and materials advancements are massively impacting all sectors, it is essential to identify, invest in, and leverage these opportunities to maintain market progress and ensure sustainable growth. TechVision 50 is a comprehensive market report that delves into the cutting-edge innovations poised to revolutionize industries and society. It provides in-depth analysis of each technology’s current state, market potential, key players, and projected impact across various sectors. The report offers valuable insights for investors, policymakers, and industry leaders, highlighting potential disruptions, opportunities, and challenges. With expert commentary, easily-digested analysis and data-driven forecasts, TechVision 50 serves as an essential guide for navigating the rapidly evolving landscape of transformative technologies and materials.

The TechVision 50:

  1. Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS)
  2. Personalized Medicine
  3. Bio-based Energetics
  4. Humanoid Robots
  5. Sodium-ion Batteries
  6. Quantum Sensors
  7. MicroLED Displays
  8. Brain-computer interfaces
  9. Gridscale Wireless Energy Transmission and Charging
  10. Quantum Computing
  11. Industrial Metaverse
  12. Post-quantum Cryptography
  13. Quantum Dot short-wave infrared (SWIR) Sensing in AI and Machine vision
  14. Biologically Inspired AI
  15. 4D printing
  16. Metamaterials
  17. AI Chips
  18. Hyperspectral Imaging
  19. Millimetre wave and terahertz technologies
  20. Green Hydrogen
  21. Biomanufacturing
  22. Biocatalysts
  23. Soft Robotics
  24. Shape Memory Materials
  25. Materials Informatics
  26. Transparent Electronics
  27. Regenerative Agriculture
  28. Bioprinting
  29. RNA Therapeutics
  30. Neuromorphic Computing
  31. Conductive Carbon Nanomaterials
  32. Liquid Metal Alloys
  33. Advanced Ceramics
  34. Mycelium Composites
  35. Self-Healing Materials
  36. Transparent Solar Panels
  37. Chemical Recycling
  38. Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs)
  39. Carbon Removal Concrete
  40. Edible Coatings
  41. Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)
  42. Bio-based and Degradable Batteries
  43. Synthetic Biology
  44. Generative Biology
  45. Quantum Batteries
  46. Agrivoltaics
  47. Wearable Energy Harvesting
  48. Perovskite Materials
  49. Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs)
  50. Heat Batteries


(1) Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS)

  • What is it? Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS) involves capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) directly from the atmosphere and storing it securely, typically underground. This process is designed to reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. DACCS is considered a form of negative emissions technology, as it actively removes CO2 from the air. The main technologies used in DACCS include Absorption-based systems (chemical sorbents, moisture swings), Adsorption-based systems (Solid sorbents, temperature swings, pressure swings), Membrane-based systems, Electrochemical systems (fuel cells), Cryogenic separation, Geological storage, and Mineral carbonation.
  • Why is it important? DACCS can help reduce atmospheric CO2 levels and help to achieve net zero targets. DACCS can play a significant role in offsetting emissions from hard-to-abate sectors, such as aviation and agriculture. Unlike some other carbon capture methods, DACCS can remove CO2 that has already been emitted, making it a valuable tool for addressing the cumulative effects of past emissions.
  • What industries will it impact? Energy (integrated with power plants), Oil & Gas, Manufacturing, Transportation, Agriculture, Carbon markets and trading, Waste management.
  • Market players: Airhive, CarbonCapture Inc., Climeworks, Mission Zero Technologies, Noya.


(2) Personalized Medicine

  • What is it? Personalized medicine (aka precision medicine) that tailors medical treatments, practices, and decisions to the individual patient based on their genetic profile, lifestyle, and environment. The goal of personalized medicine is to optimize treatment outcomes, minimize side effects, and improve overall patient care by considering each person’s unique characteristics. Technologies used in personalized medicine include Genomic sequencing, Pharmacogenomics, Biomarker analysis, Molecular imaging, Big data analytics, Machine learning and artificial intelligence and Wearable devices and remote monitoring, all allowing for the collection of real-time data on patients’ health, enabling personalized interventions and treatment adjustments.
  • Why is it important? Personalized medicine allows for improved treatment outcomes, early disease detection and prevention, reduces healthcare costs by avoiding unnecessary treatments and focusing on targeted therapies, encourages patients to take an active role in their health by providing them with information specific to their genetic profile and lifestyle factors.
  • What industries will it impact? Pharma & Biotech, Diagnostics & Testing, Healthcare, Data Analytics, Wearable Tech & Digital Health.
  • Market players: Quest Diagnostics, Exact Sciences, Qiagen, SomaLogic, OneOme, PacBio, Acrivon Therapeutics, Empiriko, SpringWorks Therapeutics, Scorpion Therapeutics, ReCode Therapeutics, Engine Biosciences, Biomea Fusion, Alto Neuroscience, AC Immune.


(3) Bio-Based Energetics

  • What is it? Bio-based energetic materials (Bio-EM) utilizes energy-dense materials derived from renewable biological sources. These materials can be used as propellants, explosives, or pyrotechnics, offering a more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional petroleum-based energetics, with interest growing of late in the mining sector. Compounds extracted from biomass, such as cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, can be used to synthesize energetic materials, and nitrocellulose, a highly flammable compound derived from cellulose, is used in propellants and explosives. High-energy-density bio-based oils and other compounds are also being developed for energetic applications.
  • Why is it important? Bio-based energetics derived from renewable resources, reduce dependence on finite fossil fuels in already polluting industries. In the synthesis of energetic materials,  large amounts of strong acids and hazardous solvents are often required. Significant quantities of waste are produced and in many cases these waste materials are contaminated with toxic metals or with EM and thus require special disposal methods. Processing of EM into propellants explosives or pyrotechnics can be both hazardous and waste producing.
  • What industries will it impact? Defense and military, Aerospace, Mining, Fireworks and pyrotechnics, Agriculture.
  • Market players: Mainly at the research stage, however bio-based energetic materials is a potentially large growth industry in mining and oil & gas.


(4) Humanoid Robotics

  • What is it? Humanoid robotics focuses on the development of robots with human-like appearance and capabilities. These robots are designed to interact with humans and perform tasks in human environments, such as homes, offices, and public spaces. AI algorithms enable humanoid robots to learn, adapt, and make decisions based on their environment and interactions with humans. Machine learning techniques allow humanoid robots to improve their performance over time by learning from data and experiences. Advanced computer vision systems are enabling humanoid robots to perceive and interpret their surroundings, recognizing objects, faces, and gestures. Humanoid robots are equipped with a variety of sensors (e.g., cameras, microphones, touch sensors) and actuators (e.g., motors, hydraulics) that enable them to sense and interact with their environment. Specialized control systems and algorithms enable humanoid robots to walk and maintain balance on two legs, mimicking human gait and movement. Natural language processing (NLP) technologies allow humanoid robots to understand and respond to human speech, facilitating more natural human-robot interaction.
  • Why is it important? The use humanoid robots can be designed to assist humans in various settings, performing tasks that may be difficult, dangerous, or time-consuming for humans.
  • What industries will it impact? Manufacturing (e.g. Automotive), Logistics, Retail, Healthcare, Construction, Defence
  • Market players: FIGURE, Agility Robotics, XPENG Robotics, Boston Dynamics, Oversonic Robotics, Rainbow Robotics, Apptronik.


(5) Sodium-ion Batteries

  • What is it? Sodium-ion batteries have gained attention as a potential alternative to lithium-ion batteries due to the abundance and low cost of sodium resources.Commercialization of SIB is moving much faster than was originally expected and they will be key components in Small Electric Vehicle (EV) and Long-duration Energy Storage applications. Among other advantages over incumbent Lithium-ion batteries (LIB), SIBs offer lower raw material costs and sustainability.
  • Why is it important? Sodium is more abundant and widely distributed than lithium, making sodium-ion batteries potentially cheaper to produce than lithium-ion batteries. The abundance of sodium resources also makes sodium-ion batteries a more sustainable long-term option for energy storage, especially as the demand for batteries continues to grow. They are also well-suited for large-scale energy storage applications, such as grid storage.
  • What industries will it impact? Electric vehicles, Grid energy storage, Consumer electronics, Renewable energy, Telecommunications.
  • Market players: Altris AB, CATL, Faradion, HiNa Battery, Kite Rise Technologies GmbH,  Natron Energy, Tiamat Energy, Weifang Energy.


(6) Quantum Sensors

  • What is it? Quantum sensors are highly sensitive and precise measurement devices that exploit quantum phenomena, such as entanglement, superposition, and interference, to detect and measure physical quantities with unprecedented accuracy. These sensors can measure various parameters, including magnetic fields, electric fields, gravity, temperature, and pressure, with far greater sensitivity than traditional sensors.
  • Why is it important? Quantum sensors can provide measurements with unprecedented accuracy, enabling the detection of previously unmeasurable phenomena and enhancing the performance of existing sensing technologies. The enhanced sensitivity of quantum sensors can lead to new insights in various fields, such as fundamental physics, materials science, and biology.
  • What industries will it impact? Healthcare and medical imaging,  Aerospace and defense, Automotive, Oil and gas exploration, Telecommunications, Environmental monitoring: Quantum sensors can be used to monitor environmental parameters, such as air and water quality, with unprecedented sensitivity and accuracy.
  • Market players: Gigajot, Qnami, QLM, Infleqtion, QuantumDiamonds, Bosch.


(7) MicroLED Displays

  • What is it? Micro-LED (μLED) displays are advanced flat-panel display technology that uses microscopic light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as individual pixel elements. These LEDs, typically less than 100 micrometers in size, offer several advantages over traditional display technologies like LCD and OLED.
  • Why is it important? Micro-LED displays can achieve much higher brightness levels and contrast ratios compared to LCD and OLED displays, resulting in more vivid and lifelike images. Micro-LEDs can produce a wider range of colors, enabling more accurate and vibrant color reproduction. They are highly efficient, requiring less power than traditional display technologies, which is particularly beneficial for battery-powered devices. Micro-LEDs have a longer lifespan and are more resistant to image retention and burn-in compared to OLED displays.
  • What industries will it impact? Consumer electronics, Automotive, Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), Digital signage and large-scale displays, Medical devices, Aerospace and defense.
  • Market players: Innolux, Jade Bird Display, Kopin, Kubos Semiconductors, LG Display, MICLEDI, Mikro Mesa, Mojo Vision, PlayNitride, Porotech, Raysolve Technology, Q-Pixel, Samsung Electronics, Tianma, Sony.


(8) Brain-computer Interfaces

  • What is it? Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), also known as brain-machine interfaces (BMIs), are systems that establish a direct communication pathway between the human brain and an external device or computer. BCIs read, interpret, and translate brain signals into commands that can control devices or communicate with the outside world, enabling a new form of human-machine interaction.
  • Why is it important? BCIs can restore communication and control capabilities for individuals with severe motor disabilities, such as those with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), spinal cord injuries, or locked-in syndrome. BCIs can be used in neurorehabilitation to help patients recover motor functions after stroke, traumatic brain injury, or other neurological disorders. They have the potential to enhance human cognitive and sensory abilities, such as improving memory, attention, or perception, and enabling new forms of human-machine collaboration.
  • What industries will it impact? Manufacturing (e.g. Automotive), Logistics, Retail, Healthcare, Construction, Defence
  • Market players: Google, Ceribell, Kernel, MindMaze, ni2o, NeuroPace, Neuralink, Intel, Petal, BrainQ, NURO, IBM, Kernel, Paradromics, Metaviz.


(9) Gridscale Wireless Energy Transmission and Charging

  • What is it? Gridscale Wireless Energy Transmission and Charging (GWETC) aims to enable the wireless transmission of electrical energy over long distances, potentially revolutionizing the way we distribute and consume electricity. This technology could allow for the efficient and flexible transmission of power from renewable energy sources to consumers, as well as the wireless charging of electric vehicles and other devices. Technologies and materials used in GWETC include Microwave power transmission, Laser power transmission, Magnetic resonance coupling, Rectenna (rectifying antenna), Metamaterials and High-temperature superconductors.
  • Why is it important?  GWETC could enable the efficient transmission of electricity from large-scale renewable energy sources, such as offshore wind farms or solar power plants, to consumers, reducing transmission losses and infrastructure costs. Wireless energy transmission can provide greater flexibility in the placement of power generation and consumption sites, as well as improve the resilience of the electricity grid by reducing dependence on physical transmission lines. GWETC could also enable the wireless charging of electric vehicles while in motion, eliminating the need for frequent stops at charging stations and increasing the adoption of electric transportation.
  • What industries will it impact? Energy and utilities, Transportation and automotive, Aerospace and space exploration, Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities, Healthcare and medical devices, Consumer electronics.
  • Market players: Emrod, Siemens, Qualcomm, Apple, Canon, WiTricity, Panasonic, Samsung Electronics.


(10) Quantum Computing

  • What is it? Quantum computing  harnesses the principles of quantum mechanics to perform complex computations that are beyond the capabilities of classical computers. Unlike classical computers, which use bits that can be either 0 or 1, quantum computers use quantum bits (qubits) that can exist in multiple states simultaneously, a property known as superposition. This enables quantum computers to perform certain computations exponentially faster than classical computers.
  • Why is it important?  Quantum computers can solve certain problems, such as optimization, simulation, and machine learning tasks, exponentially faster than classical computers. Quantum computers can simulate complex molecular systems, accelerating the discovery of new drugs and materials. They can break many current encryption methods, driving the development of new, quantum-resistant cryptographic systems.
  • What industries will it impact? Pharmaceuticals and healthcare, Finance and banking, Cybersecurity and cryptography, Aerospace and defense, Energy and materials, Transportation and logistics, Telecommunications.
  • Market players: Algorithmiq, Infleqtion, IonQ, Kipu Quantum, Multiverse Computing, Nu Quantum, Origin Quantum, Oxford Ionics, QuantWare, Quantagonia, QuantrolOx, Quantum Motion, Qunnect, SCALINQ, TuringQ and Welinq.


(11) Industrial Metaverse

  • What is it? The industrial metaverse involves convergence of the physical and digital worlds in an industrial setting. It involves creating a virtual representation of an industrial environment, such as a factory, warehouse, or supply chain, where real-time data from various sources, including sensors, machines, and systems, is integrated and visualized in a 3D, immersive, and interactive manner. This virtual environment enables remote monitoring, optimization, simulation, and collaboration, leading to improved efficiency, productivity, and decision-making in industrial processes. Enabling technologies include I, nternet of Things (IoT) sensors and devices, 5G and edge computing, Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), Digital twin platforms, Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLT), and Advanced robotics and automation.
  • Why is it important? The industrial metaverse enables real-time monitoring, optimization, and predictive maintenance of industrial processes, leading to reduced downtime, increased output, and lower costs.Immersive virtual environments allow remote teams to collaborate seamlessly, access expert knowledge, and make informed decisions, regardless of their physical location. Virtual simulations and digital twins enable rapid prototyping, testing, and optimization of new products and processes, reducing time-to-market and fostering innovation. The industrial metaverse also enables realistic, risk-free training and education in virtual environments, improving workforce skills and safety.
  • What industries will it impact? Manufacturing, Logistics and supply chain management, Energy and utilities, Healthcare and pharmaceuticals, Construction and architecture, Aerospace and defense, Agriculture and food production.
  • Market players: Nvidia, Meta, Microsoft, Hexagon, NavVis, Siemens.


(12) Post-quantum Cryptography

  • What is it? Post-quantum cryptography (PQC), also known as quantum-resistant cryptography, is a field of cryptography that focuses on developing cryptographic algorithms that are secure against attacks by both classical and quantum computers. As quantum computers become more powerful, they pose a significant threat to current cryptographic systems, which rely on mathematical problems that are difficult for classical computers to solve but can be easily solved by quantum computers using Shor’s algorithm. Post-quantum cryptography aims to develop new cryptographic algorithms that are resistant to these quantum attacks.
  • Why is it important? As quantum computers become more powerful, they threaten the security of current cryptographic systems. Post-quantum cryptography ensures that sensitive data remains secure in the face of quantum computing advancements. Post-quantum cryptography is crucial for protecting critical infrastructure, such as financial systems, power grids, and communication networks, from quantum-based attacks. PQC helps preserve the privacy and confidentiality of sensitive information, such as personal data, health records, and intellectual property, in the quantum computing era. Post-quantum cryptography ensures that secure communication channels, such as those used in messaging apps, email, and virtual private networks (VPNs), remain uncompromised by quantum attacks.
  • What industries will it impact?  Finance and banking, Government and defense, Healthcare and medical devices, Telecommunications and IoT, Cybersecurity and IT services, Cloud computing and data storage, Automotive and transportation.
  • Market players: CryptoNext, EvolutionQ, ID Quantique, KEEQuant GmbH.


(13) Quantum Dot short-wave infrared (SWIR) Sensing in AI and Machine vision

  • What is it? Quantum Dot short-wave infrared (SWIR) sensing combines the unique properties of quantum dots with the short-wave infrared spectrum (typically 0.9-2.5 μm) to enhance the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine vision systems. Quantum dots are nanoscale semiconductor particles that can absorb and emit light at specific wavelengths, allowing for highly sensitive and tunable optical sensing.
  • Why is it important?  In AI and machine vision, SWIR sensing offers several advantages over traditional visible light and near-infrared (NIR) sensing including Improved visibility in challenging conditions, Material and object identification, Reduced interference from visible light and Enhanced contrast and depth perception. Quantum dot SWIR sensing can improve the ability of AI systems to identify, classify, and differentiate materials and objects based on their unique SWIR signatures.
  • What industries will it impact? The unique capabilities of SWIR sensing enable AI and machine vision systems to be applied in a wider range of industries and use cases, from manufacturing quality control to autonomous vehicles and beyond. Industries impacted include Automotive and transportation, Agriculture and food production, Manufacturing and quality control, Defense and security, Healthcare and medical imaging,  Environmental monitoring and remote sensing, Robotics and automation.
  • Market players: Quantum Solutions, STMicroelectronics, Quantum Science.


(14) Biologically Inspired AI

  • What is it? Biologically Inspired AI, also known as bio-inspired AI or biomimetic AI, is an approach to artificial intelligence that draws inspiration from the principles, structures, and processes found in biological systems. This field focuses on developing AI algorithms, architectures, and systems that mimic or adapt the problem-solving strategies observed in nature, such as those found in the brain, immune system, or evolutionary processes. Key aspects of Biologically Inspired AI include Neural networks, Evolutionary algorithms, Swarm intelligence, Artificial immune systems and Neuromorphic computing.
  • Why is it important?   Bio-inspired AI systems can exhibit robust and adaptive behavior in the face of uncertainty, noise, and changing environments, similar to how biological systems operate in the real world. Many biological systems are highly energy-efficient, and bio-inspired AI approaches, such as neuromorphic computing, can lead to the development of more energy-efficient AI hardware and algorithms. Biological systems, like the brain, demonstrate massive parallel processing capabilities. Bio-inspired AI approaches can enable the development of highly scalable and parallel AI systems.
  • What industries will it impact? Healthcare and biomedical research, Robotics and autonomous systems, Environmental monitoring and conservation, Transportation and logistics, Cybersecurity and anomaly detection, Manufacturing and engineering, Finance.
  • Market players: Brainchip, Meta.


(15) 4D printing

  • What is it? 4D printing combines the principles of 3D printing with smart materials that can change shape, properties, or functionality over time in response to external stimuli. This adds a fourth dimension – time – to traditional 3D printing, allowing for the creation of dynamic, adaptive, and self-transforming structures.
  • Why is it important? 4D printing enables objects that can change functionality or properties over time, allowing for more adaptive systems. 4D-printed objects can self-assemble into complex structures or self-repair when damaged, reducing the need for manual intervention. By programming the desired transformation into the material, 4D printing can simplify mechanical systems and eliminate the need for additional components.
  • What industries will it impact? Aerospace and automotive, Biomedical and healthcare, Robotics and soft robotics, Construction and architecture, Fashion and textiles, Packaging and logistics, Energy and environmental systems.
  • Market players: HP, Stratasys, Optomec, Markforged . Mainly players from the broader 3D printing industry leveraging their additive manufacturing expertise.


(16) Metamaterials

  • What is it? Metamaterials are artificially engineered structures with exceptional material properties (acoustic, electrical, magnetic, optical, etc.). They comprise arrays of resonators that manipulate electromagnetic waves or sound in ways not normally found in nature. Possessing customized dielectric properties and tunable responses they allow for excellent flexibility in a range of applications, their use enabling the manipulation of fields and waves at a subwavelength scale.
  • Why is it important? Metamaterials allow for unprecedented control over the propagation, absorption, and manipulation of electromagnetic and acoustic waves. They can enable the miniaturization and integration of advanced functionalities into compact devices, such as antennas, sensors, or optical components. Metamaterials can enable new functionalities, such as cloaking, super-resolution imaging, or perfect absorption, which have the potential to revolutionize various fields. By tailoring the properties of metamaterials, the performance of devices and systems in terms of efficiency, sensitivity, or bandwidth can be significantly enhanced.
  • What industries will it impact? Telecommunications and Wireless Communication, Aerospace and Defense, Electronics and Computing, Optics and Photonics, Energy, Healthcare and Medical Devices, Automotive, Consumer Electronics.
  • Market players: Anywaves, Breylon, Echodyne, Inc., Evolv Technologies, Inc., Fractal Antenna Systems, Inc, Imagia, Kymeta Corporation, Lumotive, OPT Industries, Phononic Vibes srl, Metamaterial, Inc., Metawave Corporation.


(17) AI Chips

  • What is it?AI chips, also known as AI accelerators or AI processors, are specialized computer chips designed to efficiently perform the complex mathematical computations required for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tasks. These chips are optimized for the parallel processing of large amounts of data, enabling faster and more efficient AI computations compared to traditional CPUs.
  • Why is it important? AI chips can greatly accelerate the training and inference of AI models, reducing the time and computational resources required. AI chips are designed to perform AI tasks with high energy efficiency, which is crucial for applications in edge devices and data centers. By improving performance and energy efficiency, AI chips can help reduce the overall cost of AI deployments.  The increased computational power and efficiency provided by AI chips can enable new and more sophisticated AI applications across various industries.
  • What industries will it impact? Consumer electronics, Automotive, Healthcare, Finance, Cloud computing, Robotics.
  • Market players: AMD, Astrus, Celestial AI, Cerebras, d-Matrix, DEEPX, EdgeCortix® Inc.,, Enfabrica, Enflame, Google, Horizon Robotics, IBM, Kneron, Lightmatter, Neuchips, Nvidia, Panmnesia, Rebellions, Samsung.


(18) Hyperspectral Imaging

  • What is it? Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is an advanced imaging technique that captures and processes data from across the electromagnetic spectrum, including visible, near-infrared, and short-wave infrared regions. Unlike traditional imaging methods that capture data in a limited number of spectral bands, hyperspectral imaging captures hundreds or even thousands of narrow spectral bands, providing detailed spectral information for each pixel in an image.
  • Why is it important?  HSI enables the identification and characterization of materials based on their unique spectral signatures, even when they are visually similar, allowing for non-destructive testing and analysis. Hyperspectral imaging from airborne or satellite platforms allows for the detailed mapping and monitoring of land cover, vegetation health, water quality, and other environmental factors. HSI can be used to monitor and control industrial processes, ensuring product quality and detecting defects or contaminants that may not be visible to the naked eye.
  • What industries will it impact? Agriculture and forestry, Environmental monitoring, Mining and geology, Oil and gas, Food and beverage, Pharmaceuticals, Defense and security.
  • Market players: NEO, Pixxel.


(19) Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Technologies

  • What is it? Millimeter Wave (mmWave) and Terahertz (THz) technologies refer to the use of electromagnetic waves with frequencies in the millimeter wave (30-300 GHz) and terahertz (0.1-10 THz) ranges, respectively. These high-frequency waves have unique properties that make them suitable for various applications, including high-speed wireless communication, imaging, and sensing.
  • Why is it important? mmWave technology is a key enabler for 5G and future 6G wireless networks, providing high-bandwidth, low-latency connectivity for applications like virtual reality, autonomous vehicles, and the Internet of Things (IoT). THz waves can penetrate many non-conductive materials, allowing for non-invasive inspection and imaging in industries such as manufacturing, construction, and healthcare. Many chemicals and biological substances have unique spectral signatures in the THz range, enabling the development of highly sensitive and selective sensing applications. THz waves can detect concealed weapons, explosives, and other threats, enhancing security in public spaces, airports, and other critical infrastructure.
  • What industries will it impact? Telecommunications, Automotive, Healthcare, Aerospace and defense, Manufacturing, Security and surveillance, Food and agriculture.
  • Market players: Movandi, Apple, Ericsson, LG Electronics, META, Nokia, NTT Corporation, Samsung, SK Telecomm.


(20) Green Hydrogen

  • What is it? Green hydrogen is hydrogen produced using renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, or hydro power, to electrolyze water into hydrogen and oxygen. Unlike traditional hydrogen production methods that rely on fossil fuels, green hydrogen offers a clean, sustainable, and low-carbon alternative.
  • Why is it important? Green hydrogen can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by replacing fossil fuels in various sectors, contributing to global efforts to mitigate climate change. Hydrogen can be used as a long-term energy storage solution, helping to balance the intermittency of renewable energy sources and ensuring a stable and reliable energy supply. Green hydrogen can facilitate the integration of renewable energy across different sectors, such as transportation, industry, and buildings, enabling a more efficient and sustainable energy system.
  • What industries will it impact? Energy, Transportation, Manufacturing, Agriculture.
  • Market players: Advanced Ionics, Aker Horizons, C-Zero, Dynelectro, Ekona Power, Electric Hydrogen, Enapter, EvoIOH, FuelCell Energy, Heliogen, HiiROC, Hystar, HydrogenPro, Innova Hydrogen, Thyssenkrupp Nucera.


(21) Biomanufacturing

  • What is it? The biomanufacturing market is a rapidly growing sector that involves the production of various products using biological systems, such as living cells, enzymes, or other biological components. The market encompasses a wide range of applications, from biopharmaceuticals and industrial enzymes to biofuels and bio-based chemicals. Biomanufacturing processes often rely on renewable feedstocks and generate less waste compared to traditional chemical manufacturing methods. This makes biomanufacturing a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to producing various products.
  • Why is it important? Biomanufacturing often relies on renewable feedstocks and can generate products with reduced environmental impact compared to traditional chemical manufacturing. Living systems can create complex molecules and materials that may be difficult or impossible to produce using conventional chemical synthesis. Biomanufacturing can be more cost-effective than traditional methods for certain products, as living cells can efficiently convert raw materials into desired products. Biological systems can produce molecules with high specificity and purity, which is particularly important for pharmaceutical applications.
  • What industries will it impact? Pharmaceuticals, Chemical industry, Energy, Food and agriculture.
  • Market players: Aanika Biosciences, Amyris, BBGI, Biovectra, Bucha Bio, Byogy Renewables, Cascade Biocatalysts, Constructive Bio, Debut Biotechnology, Enginzyme AB,Ginkgo Bioworks, Hyfé, Invizyne Technologies, LanzaTech, Lygos, Mammoth Biosciences, Solugen.


(22) Biocatalysts

  • What is it? Biocatalysts are enzymes or whole cells that are used to catalyze chemical reactions in various industrial processes. These biological catalysts are derived from living organisms and offer several advantages over traditional chemical catalysts, such as high specificity, mild reaction conditions, and reduced environmental impact.
  • Why is it important? Biocatalysts offer a more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional chemical catalysts, reducing energy consumption, waste generation, and the use of harsh chemicals. The high specificity of biocatalysts enables the production of high-quality, pure compounds with fewer byproducts and impurities. Biocatalytic processes can be more cost-effective than traditional chemical processes, due to reduced energy requirements, simplified downstream processing, and the ability to use renewable feedstocks.
  • What industries will it impact? Pharmaceutical and biotech, Food and beverage, Chemical and materials, Agriculture and animal feed, Biofuels and bioenergy.
  • Market players: Aether Bio, Basecamp Research, Cascade Biocatalysts, Constructive Bio, Debut Biotechnology, Enginzyme AB, eversyn, FabricNano, Johnson Matthey, Novozymes A/S and Protein Evolution.


(23) Soft Robotics

  • What is it? Soft robotics focuses on the design, fabrication, and control of robots made from soft, flexible, and compliant materials, such as silicone, rubber, or fabric. Unlike traditional rigid robots, soft robots can adapt to their environment, interact safely with humans, and perform delicate tasks.
  • Why is it important? Soft robots can interact safely with humans due to their inherent compliance and lack of sharp edges or rigid components, making them suitable for applications in healthcare, assistive technology, and collaborative work environments. Soft robots can adapt to unstructured and dynamic environments, navigate through confined spaces, and recover from collisions or deformations, making them more resilient than traditional rigid robots. The compliance and dexterity of soft robots enable them to perform delicate manipulation tasks, such as handling fragile objects or interacting with soft tissues, which is difficult for rigid robots.
  • What industries will it impact? Healthcare and biomedical, Manufacturing and assembly, Agriculture and Food Processing, Marine.
  • Market players: Mementis, Soft Robotics, Soft Robot Tech, Spectroplast, Squishy Robotics.

(24) Shape Memory Materials

  • What is it? Shape memory materials are smart materials that can return to their original shape after being deformed, when subjected to an external stimulus such as heat, light, or magnetic fields. These materials “remember” their pre-deformed shape and can recover it even after undergoing significant deformations.
  • Why is it important? Shape memory materials can be used to create smart structures and actuators that respond to external stimuli, enabling adaptive and self-regulating systems. Shape memory materials can be used to create medical devices that can be easily inserted into the body in a compact form and then deployed to their functional shape, minimizing patient trauma. The ability of shape memory materials to recover their shape after deformation allows for the creation of lightweight, compact, and deployable structures, reducing material usage and storage space.
  • What industries will it impact? Aerospace and automotive, Biomedical and healthcare, Robotics and automation, Consumer products, Construction and civil engineering.
  • Market players: Kebotix, Matelligence, Awaji Materia Co., Ltd., Furukawa Electric Group, Maruho Hatsujyo Kogyo Co., Ltd., Nippon, re-fer AG, The Smart Tire Company, VenoStent


(25) Materials Informatics

  • What is it? Materials informatics is an interdisciplinary field that combines materials science, data science, and computational methods to accelerate the discovery, design, and optimization of materials. It involves the application of data-driven approaches, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, to materials datasets to identify patterns, predict properties, and guide the development of new materials.
  • Why is it important? Materials informatics enables the rapid exploration of vast material design spaces, identifying promising candidates and reducing the need for extensive experimental trials. Data-driven approaches can uncover complex relationships between material structures, processing conditions, and properties, providing new insights into material behaviour and performance. By accelerating the materials development process, materials informatics can help reduce research and development costs and bring new materials to market faster.
  • What industries will it impact? Chemical and materials manufacturing, Pharmaceutical and biomedical, Energy and sustainability, Aerospace and automotive, Electronics and semiconductors.
  • Market players: Alchemy Cloud, Cynora, Kebotix, Kyulux, OTI Lumionics, Uncountable.


(26) Transparent Electronics

  • What is it? Transparent electronics enables the creation of devices with novel form factors and functionalities, such as transparent displays, solar cells, and sensors.
  • Why is it important? Transparent electronics allows for the integration of electronic functionality into various surfaces, such as windows, windshields, and eyewear, creating new possibilities for product design and user interaction. Transparent electronic components can be combined with traditional opaque electronics to create multifunctional devices that offer both transparency and electronic functionality. Transparent displays and sensors can provide users with information and interactivity without obstructing their view, enhancing the user experience in various applications.
  • What industries will it impact? Consumer electronics, Automotive, Architecture and building materials, Aviation and aerospace, Healthcare, Advertising and retail, Military and defenseras.
  • Market players: LG Electronics, Lenovo.


(27) Regenerative Agriculture

  • What is it? Regenerative agriculture is a holistic approach to farming and land management that aims to restore and enhance the health of soil, ecosystems, and communities. It focuses on rebuilding soil organic matter, increasing biodiversity, and promoting the natural cycles of carbon, water, and nutrients, while producing high-quality, nutrient-dense food. Regenerative agriculture practices, such as cover cropping, crop rotation, and reduced tillage, aim to improve soil structure, increase organic matter, and enhance soil microbial activity.
  • Why is it important? Regenerative agriculture practices can help restore degraded land, reduce erosion, improve water retention and quality, and enhance biodiversity, promoting long-term environmental sustainability.
  • Climate change mitigation: By sequestering carbon in the soil and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, regenerative practices can contribute to global efforts to mitigate climate change.
  • Food security and nutrition: Regenerative agriculture can improve soil fertility and produce more nutrient-dense food, enhancing food security and nutrition for a growing global population.
  • What industries will it impact? 
  • Market players:, Chrysalabs, constellr, Cargill, AgriCapture, Indigo Ag, Loam Bio


(28) Bioprinting

  • What is it? Bioprinting is an additive manufacturing technique that uses bioinks, which contain living cells and biomaterials, to create three-dimensional (3D) biological structures layer by layer. This technology enables the fabrication of complex, functional tissues and organs for various applications, including regenerative medicine, drug testing, and biological research.
  • Why is it important?  Bioprinting has the potential to revolutionize regenerative medicine by enabling the creation of functional tissues and organs for transplantation, addressing the shortage of donor organs and reducing the risk of immune rejection. Bioprinted tissues can serve as more accurate and physiologically relevant models for drug screening and toxicity testing, reducing the need for animal testing and improving the efficiency of drug development. Bioprinting enables the fabrication of in vitro tissue models that closely mimic native biological structures and functions, providing new insights into tissue development, disease mechanisms, and regenerative processes.
  • What industries will it impact? Healthcare and medical devices,  Pharmaceutical and biotech, Cosmetics and consumer products, Food and agriculture.
  • Market players: Rokit, Nuclera, Poietis, Vitro3D, Cell Applications, Inc., Prellis Biologics, Restor3d, Systemic Bio, Volumina Medical, Collplant, Organovo, Dimension INX, Vivita Technologies, Stratasys.


(29) RNA Therapeutics

  • What is it? RNA therapeutics focuses on the development of treatments based on ribonucleic acid (RNA), a molecule that plays a crucial role in the regulation of gene expression and cellular processes. RNA-based therapies can be used to modulate the expression of disease-causing genes, providing a targeted and potentially more effective approach to treating a wide range of conditions.
  • Why is it important?  RNA therapeutics offer a highly targeted approach to treating diseases by modulating the expression of specific genes, enabling personalized treatments based on a patient’s genetic profile. RNA-based therapies can be used to address the root cause of genetic disorders by correcting or compensating for disease-causing mutations, offering the potential for disease modification or cure. RNA therapeutics can target a wide range of disease-causing genes and pathways that are difficult to address with traditional small molecule drugs or antibodies, expanding the range of druggable targets and treatment options.
  • What industries will it impact? Pharmaceutical and biotech, Genetic testing and diagnostics, Drug delivery and formulation, Healthcare.
  • Market players: GSK, Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Stoke Therapeutics, PepGen, Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, Sirnaomics, Evox therapeutics, Wave Life Sciences


(30) Neuromorphic Computing

  • What is it? Neuromorphic computing is an emerging computing paradigm that takes inspiration from the structure and function of biological neural networks to design efficient and intelligent computing systems. It involves the development of artificial neural networks and specialized hardware architectures that mimic the way the human brain processes information. Neuromorphic systems are designed to emulate the highly parallel, distributed, and energy-efficient processing capabilities of biological brains, using artificial neurons and synapses as building blocks.
  • Why is it important? Neuromorphic computing has the potential to be highly energy-efficient compared to traditional computing architectures, as it processes information in a massively parallel and event-driven manner, similar to the human brain. Neuromorphic systems can process and respond to data in real-time, enabling fast and efficient decision-making in dynamic environments, such as autonomous vehicles or industrial control systems. The distributed and parallel nature of neuromorphic architectures makes them highly scalable and resistant to faults or failures, as the system can adapt and compensate for local disruptions or errors.
  • What industries will it impact? Artificial intelligence and machine learning, Robotics and autonomous systems, Edge computing and Internet of Things (IoT), Healthcare and biomedical devices, Aerospace and defense.
  • Market players: IBM, Syntiant, Expedera, SynSense, Celestial AI, Aspinity, Lux Semiconductors, NOVI, Microsoft.


(31) Conductive Carbon Nanomaterials

  • What is it? Conductive carbon materials exhibit high electrical conductivity due to their unique structural and electronic properties. These materials, which include graphene, carbon nanotubes, and carbon fibers are increasingly used as conductive additives in batteries.
  • Why is it important? Conductive carbon materials have high electron mobility and low electrical resistance, making them excellent conductors of electricity. Many conductive carbon materials, such as carbon fibers and graphene, have high strength-to-weight ratios, making them ideal for applications where lightweight and durable materials are required. Conductive carbon materials can be synthesized and processed in various forms, such as films, fibers, composites, and inks, allowing for their integration into a wide range of products and applications.
  • What industries will it impact? Electronics and semiconductors, Aerospace and automotive, Renewable energy,  Additive manufacturing and 3D printing.
  • Market players: Amprius Technologies, Inc., CAP-XX Limited, COnovate, EnWires, Graphene Manufacturing Group Pty Ltd, Lyten, NanoXplore, Nanotech Energy, Salvation Battery, Sino Applied Technology (SiAT),  Sila Nanotechnologies, and Solidion Technology.


(32) Liquid Metal Alloys

  • What is it? Liquid metal alloys are materials that remain in a liquid state at room temperature, while exhibiting unique properties such as high thermal and electrical conductivity, low vapor pressure, and the ability to flow and deform in response to external stimuli. These materials, which include gallium, indium, and tin-based alloys, have gained interest for their potential applications in various fields.
  • Why is it important?  Liquid metal alloys can be used to create flexible and stretchable electrical interconnects and components, enabling the development of wearable and implantable electronic devices. The high thermal conductivity of liquid metal alloys makes them attractive for use in thermal management applications, such as heat sinks, thermal interface materials, and cooling systems. The ability of liquid metal alloys to flow and deform allows for the creation of reconfigurable and adaptive systems, such as soft robots, shape-changing antennas, and tunable optical devices.
  • What industries will it impact? Electronics and semiconductors, Robotics and automation, Aerospace and defense, Biomedical and healthcare, Energy and power systems.
  • Market players: Liquidmetal® Technologies, Inc., Ambri, Fluent Metal.


(33) Advanced Ceramics

  • What is it? Advanced ceramics are high-performance materials that exhibit superior mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties compared to traditional ceramics. These materials, which include oxide and non-oxide ceramics, are engineered to withstand extreme conditions and provide enhanced functionality in a wide range of applications.
  • Why is it important? Advanced ceramics enable the development of high-performance components and systems that can operate in demanding conditions, such as high temperatures, corrosive environments, or under heavy loads. The unique thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties of advanced ceramics can help improve the efficiency of various energy conversion and storage systems, such as fuel cells, batteries, and solar cells. The use of advanced ceramics in critical components can significantly improve the durability and reliability of products, reducing maintenance requirements and extending service life.
  • What industries will it impact? Aerospace and defense, Automotive and transportation, Energy and power generation, Electronics and semiconductors, Medical and dental, Industrial manufacturing.
  • Market players: Krahn Ceramics, SINTX Technologies, Bosch, Lithoz.


(34) Mycelium Composites

  • What is it? Mycelium composites are a class of bio-based materials that are made by growing fungal mycelium, the vegetative part of a fungus, on agricultural waste or other organic substrates. The resulting material is a lightweight, strong, and biodegradable composite that can be used as an alternative to traditional plastics and foams.
  • Why is it important? The use of mycelium composites can help reduce the environmental impact of various industries by replacing petroleum-based materials with biodegradable and renewable alternatives. Mycelium composites allow for the creation of sustainable and eco-friendly products, such as packaging materials, building insulation, and consumer goods, that align with growing consumer demand for environmentally responsible solutions. The production of mycelium composites can create new opportunities for local farmers and businesses, as agricultural waste can be used as a substrate for growing fungal mycelium.
  • What industries will it impact? Packaging and logistics, Construction and building materials, Automotive and transportation, Fashion and textiles, Consumer goods and electronics.
  • Market players: Ecovative, 


(35) Self-Healing Materials

  • What is it? Self-healing materials are a class of advanced materials that have the ability to autonomously repair damage or degradation, restoring their original properties and extending their service life. These materials can respond to various stimuli, such as heat, light, or chemical signals, to initiate and complete the healing process.
  • Why is it important? Self-healing materials can significantly improve the durability and reliability of products and structures by autonomously repairing damage and preventing the propagation of cracks or other defects. The ability of self-healing materials to autonomously repair damage can reduce the need for manual maintenance and repair, lowering associated costs and downtime. Self-healing materials can help maintain the integrity and performance of critical components and structures, enhancing safety and resilience in various applications, from aerospace to biomedical implants.
  • What industries will it impact? Aerospace and defense, Automotive and transportation, Construction and infrastructure, Electronics and semiconductors, Biomedical and healthcare.
  • Market players: A2O Advanced Materials Inc., Autonomic Materials, CompPair Technologies, Green Basilisk, Hyundai Motor Group, Mimicrete, NEI Corporation, Tandem Repeat.


(36) Transparent Solar Panels

  • What is it? Transparent solar panels, also known as transparent photovoltaics (TPV), are a type of solar cell technology that allows for the creation of solar panels that are partially or fully transparent. These panels can be integrated into windows, skylights, or other glass surfaces, enabling the generation of clean electricity while maintaining optical transparency.
  • Why is it important? Transparent solar panels can help increase the adoption of renewable energy by enabling the integration of solar power generation into a wider range of surfaces and applications. The use of transparent solar panels in buildings can reduce reliance on grid electricity, lower energy costs, and contribute to the development of net-zero energy buildings. By generating clean electricity, transparent solar panels can help reduce the carbon footprint of buildings, vehicles, and other energy-consuming applications, contributing to global efforts to mitigate climate change.
  • What industries will it impact? Architecture and construction, Automotive and transportation, Consumer electronics and wearables, Agriculture and horticulture, Urban infrastructure and smart cities.
  • Market players: Heliatek GmbH, UbiQD.


(37) Chemical Recycling

  • What is it? Advanced chemical recycling, also known as feedstock recycling or tertiary recycling, is a set of technologies that break down plastic waste into its chemical constituents, allowing for the production of new plastics, chemicals, and fuels. Unlike traditional mechanical recycling, which has limitations in terms of the quality and applicability of recycled plastics, advanced chemical recycling can produce virgin-quality materials from a wider range of plastic waste streams.
  • Why is it important? Advanced chemical recycling can significantly increase the amount of plastic waste that can be recycled, helping to reduce plastic pollution and the environmental impact of plastic production. By displacing the need for virgin fossil feedstocks, advanced chemical recycling can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of plastics and chemicals. Advanced chemical recycling allows for the recovery and reuse of valuable chemical resources from plastic waste, improving resource efficiency and reducing the reliance on finite fossil resources.
  • What industries will it impact? Plastics and packaging, Chemical and petrochemical, Waste management and recycling, Consumer goods and retail.
  • Market players: Agilyx, APK AG, Aquafil, Carbios, Eastman, Extracthive, Fych Technologies, Garbo, gr3n SA, Hyundai Chemical Ioniqa, RePEaT Co., Ltd., Synova, SABIC.


(38) Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs)

  • What is it? Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) are a type of integrated circuit that uses photons (light particles) instead of electrons to transmit and process information. PICs can transmit data at much higher speeds compared to traditional electronic circuits, as the speed of light is much faster than the movement of electrons. This makes them essential for high-bandwidth applications such as fiber-optic communication, high-speed internet, and data centers
  • Why is it important? PICs typically consume less power than their electronic counterparts, as they do not generate as much heat during operation. This makes them attractive for energy-efficient applications and portable devices. PICs can be fabricated using semiconductor manufacturing techniques, allowing for the integration of multiple photonic components on a single chip. This enables the development of compact and integrated photonic systems, reducing the size and weight of optical devices. Photonic signals are less susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI) compared to electronic signals. This allows for the development of more robust and reliable systems, particularly in environments with high levels of electromagnetic noise.
  • What industries will it impact? Telecommunications, Data centers and cloud computing, Aerospace and defense,  Healthcare, Quantum computing and information processing, Automotive and transportation, Consumer electronics.
  • Market players: Intel, Lumentum, AEPONYX, Lumiphase, Lightmatter, Ranovus.


(39) Carbon Removal Concrete

  • What is it? Carbon Removal Concrete is a type of concrete that is designed to actively remove and sequester carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere during its production and/or use.
  • Why is it important? The construction industry is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, responsible for approximately 40% of total emissions. Carbon Removal Concrete can assist by capturing and storing atmospheric CO2 within the concrete, reducing the overall carbon footprint of the industry. By incorporating captured CO2 into the concrete, Carbon Removal Concrete promotes a more circular economy, where waste and emissions are reused and repurposed, rather than being released into the environment. Carbon Removal Concrete aligns with the growing demand for sustainable and environmentally-friendly construction materials, contributing to the overall sustainability of the built environment. The carbon-capturing properties of Carbon Removal Concrete can enhance the durability and longevity of concrete structures, improving their resilience to environmental stresses and extending their lifespan.
  • What industries will it impact? Construction and Real Estate, Cement and Concrete Manufacturing, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Industry, Engineering and Architecture, Waste Management and Recycling.
  • Market players: CarbonCure, CarbiCrete, Carbon Clean, Neustark.


(40) Edible Coatings

  • What is it? Edible films and coatings will become an integral part of the fresh produce supply chain in the future as suppliers seek more sustainable solutions to extend product shelf-life, minimise food waste and deliver fresher fruits and vegetables to consumers. Edible films and coatings are made from edible biopolymers and food-grade additives.
  • Why is it important? Edible coatings can act as a protective barrier, preventing or slowing down the rate of physical, chemical, and microbiological deterioration of food products, thereby extending their shelf life. Edible coatings can help control the exchange of moisture, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other gases between the food and the surrounding environment, preserving the food’s quality and freshness. Edible coatings can be used to incorporate and deliver various nutrients, antioxidants, antimicrobial agents, and other beneficial compounds to the food, enhancing its nutritional and functional properties. Edible coatings can improve the visual appeal, texture, and overall sensory characteristics of food products, making them more attractive and desirable to consumers. Edible coatings can reduce the need for non-biodegradable packaging materials, contributing to more sustainable and environmentally-friendly food packaging solutions and reducing food waste.
  • What industries will it impact? Food and Beverage, Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical, Agriculture and Horticulture, Packaging, Retail and e-Commerce.
  • Market players: Apeel, DisSolves, FlexSea, FoodBerry, IUV Srl, Kuraray, mori, Notpla, Saveggy, Sun Chemical and Xampla.


(41) Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)

  • What is it? Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are a class of porous, crystalline materials composed of metal ions or clusters coordinated to organic linker molecules. They are an emerging class of materials with a wide range of potential applications.
  • Why is it important? MOFs can have exceptionally high surface areas, often exceeding 5,000 m²/g, making them ideal for applications that require high-performance adsorption or catalysis. The structure and properties of MOFs can be tailored by selecting different metal ions and organic linkers, allowing for the design of materials with specific functionalities. MOFs can be engineered to have precisely controlled pore sizes and shapes, enabling selective adsorption, separation, and storage of target molecules or ions. MOFs can incorporate a wide range of active sites, such as catalytic centers, charge-transfer complexes, and encapsulated guest species, expanding their potential applications. Many MOFs are made from renewable and biodegradable organic components, contributing to their environmentally friendly and sustainable nature.
  • What industries will it impact? Energy, Environment, Gas Storage and Separation, Catalysis, Sensing and Diagnostics, Electronics and Optoelectronics, Biomedicine, Membranes and Separations.
  • Market players: Atomis, BASF, Disruptive Materials AB, H2MOF, novoMOF AG, Nuada, NuMat Technologies, Inc., ProfMOF


(42) Bio-based and Degradable Batteries

  • What is it? Bio-based and degradable batteries are a new class of batteries that are designed to be environmentally friendly and sustainable. These batteries are made from biodegradable materials derived from renewable resources, such as plant-based materials or biomass, rather than traditional battery materials like lithium or lead.
  • Why is it important? Traditional batteries often contain toxic materials and heavy metals that can be harmful to the environment if not properly disposed of. Bio-based and degradable batteries are designed to be environmentally friendly and can degrade naturally, reducing the environmental impact of battery waste. These batteries rely on renewable and abundant resources, such as plant-based materials or waste biomass, rather than finite and non-renewable resources like lithium or cobalt. This helps to conserve natural resources and reduce dependence on mining and extraction activities. In the long run, bio-based and degradable batteries may offer cost savings compared to traditional batteries, as the raw materials used are generally more abundant and renewable. Researchers are exploring the use of different biomaterials and configurations for these batteries, which could lead to batteries with unique properties or applications.
  • What industries will it impact? Consumer electronics, Automotive industry, Energy storage, Medical devices, Internet of Things (IoT) and sensor networks.
  • Market players: Stora Enso, X-Batt.


(43) Synthetic Biology

  • What is it? Synthetic biology, also known as engineering biology, focuses on designing and applying biological processes to underpin new products and manufacturing approaches across a range of industries, from novel medicines and therapeutics to the sustainable production of food, energy, medicines, chemicals, and materials.
  • Why is it important?  Synthetic biology enables the creation of new biological systems and organisms with tailored functions and capabilities, which can have applications in fields such as medicine, agriculture, environmental remediation, and industrial biotechnology. By redesigning existing biological systems or creating new ones, synthetic biology can lead to more efficient and optimized processes, such as the production of biofuels, pharmaceuticals, or other valuable compounds. Synthetic biology can contribute to the development of sustainable solutions by enabling the production of biobased materials, bioremediation of environmental pollutants, or the engineering of organisms for carbon capture and sequestration. Synthetic biology provides tools and approaches for studying and understanding the fundamental principles of life, gene regulation, and metabolic pathways, advancing our basic knowledge of biology.
  • What industries will it impact? Healthcare and pharmaceuticals, Agriculture and food production, Energy and biofuels, Environmental.
  • Market players: Aanika Biosciences, Amyris, Apeel, Agrivida, Bolt Threads, Erebagen, Eligo Bioscience, Geltor, Ginkgo Bioworks, Impossible Foods, Industrial Microbes, Kiverdi, LanzaTech, Lygos, Mammoth Biosciences, Mango Materials, Perfect Day, Pivot Bio, Synthego, Twist Bioscience, Uluu, Van Heron Labs, and Viridos.


(44) Generative Biology

  • What is it? Generative biology combines principles from synthetic biology, computer science, and engineering to design and engineer biological systems using computational methods and automated workflows. It aims to streamline the process of designing, building, and testing new biological systems or modifying existing ones.
  • Why is it important? By leveraging computational tools and automation, generative biology can significantly speed up the process of designing and engineering biological systems, enabling faster exploration of potential solutions and applications. Generative biology allows for the design and construction of complex biological systems with multiple components and functionalities, which would be challenging or impossible to achieve through traditional manual methods. Computational models and simulations used in generative biology can provide insights into the behavior and performance of engineered biological systems, enabling more accurate predictions and optimizations. Automated workflows and computational tools used in generative biology can enhance the reproducibility and standardization of biological engineering processes, promoting consistency and reliability in research and applications.
  • What industries will it impact? Healthcare and pharmaceuticals, Agriculture and food production, Energy and biofuels, Environmental applications, Industrial biotechnology, Materials science.
  • Market players: Absci,  BigHat Biosciences, BioAge Labs,  Bioptimus, Cradle, Deepcell, Evozyne,  Generate:Biomedicines, Iambic Therapeutics, Insilico Medicine, Leash Biosciences, Model Medicines, Noetik,  Profluent Bio, Terray Therapeutics, Xaira and Yoneda Labs


(45) Quantum Batteries

  • What is it? Quantum batteries aim to exploit quantum phenomena, such as entanglement and coherence, to enhance the performance and efficiency of energy storage devices. Unlike classical batteries, quantum batteries have the potential to store and release energy in a fundamentally different way, leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics.
  • Why is it important?  Quantum effects could potentially enable the storage of more energy in a given volume or weight compared to classical batteries, leading to higher energy densities and more compact energy storage solutions. Quantum batteries may allow for faster charging and discharging rates, facilitated by quantum phenomena such as coherent energy transfer or quantum tunneling. By exploiting quantum principles, quantum batteries could potentially operate with higher efficiencies, reducing energy losses during charging, discharging, and storage processes. The unique properties of quantum batteries could enable new applications or technologies that are not feasible with classical battery systems, such as ultra-low-power devices, quantum computing, or quantum sensing.
  • What industries will it impact? Electronics and consumer devices, Automotive and transportation, Renewable energy and grid storage, Aerospace and defense, Internet of Things (IoT).
  • Market players: Planckian, IonQ, Quantinuum.


(46) Agrivoltaics

  • What is it? Agrivoltaics, also known as solar sharing, is a system that combines agricultural activities with the generation of solar energy on the same land. It involves integrating solar photovoltaic (PV) panels with crops or livestock farming in a mutually beneficial way.
  • Why is it important? By combining solar energy production with agriculture, agrivoltaics allows for more efficient use of land resources, maximizing the productivity of a given area. In some cases, the partial shading provided by solar panels can benefit certain crops by reducing water evaporation, protecting plants from excessive heat, and creating a microclimate that can improve growth conditions. Agrivoltaics allows farmers to generate revenue from both agricultural produce and renewable energy production, providing an additional income stream and potentially increasing overall profitability. The combination of agriculture and solar energy can create synergistic benefits, such as using the solar panels for rainwater harvesting or utilizing the agricultural byproducts for on-site energy generation. Agrivoltaics promotes sustainable land use by combining renewable energy generation with food production, contributing to both energy security and food security.
  • What industries will it impact? Agriculture, Solar energy, Food production and security.
  • Market players: Brite Solar, H2arvester, Insolight.


(47) Wearable Energy Harvesting

  • What is it? Wearable energy harvesting refers to the process of capturing and converting ambient energy sources, such as body heat, motion, or light, into electrical energy to power wearable devices or sensors. This technology aims to provide a self-sustaining power source for wearable electronics, reducing or eliminating the need for traditional batteries.
  • Why is it important?  By harnessing ambient energy, wearable energy harvesting systems can extend the battery life of wearable devices, reducing the need for frequent battery replacements or recharging. Eliminating the need for regular battery charging or replacement can enhance the user experience by providing a more seamless and convenient operation of wearable devices. Wearable energy harvesting can enable the development of new applications and devices that were previously impractical or impossible due to power constraints, such as continuous health monitoring or long-term environmental sensing. It also promotes sustainability by reducing the reliance on disposable batteries and the associated environmental impact of their production and disposal.
  • What industries will it impact? Healthcare and fitness, Consumer electronics, Military and defense, Industrial and occupational safety, Internet of Things (IoT) and smart homes, Environmental monitoring.
  • Market players: Enervibe, Nexperia.


(48) Perovskite Materials

  • What is it? Perovskite materials are a class of crystalline compounds with a specific crystal structure, named after the mineral perovskite (CaTiO3). These materials exhibit excellent optoelectronic properties, making them suitable for applications like LEDs, photodetectors, lasers, and optical sensors. The tunability of their bandgap allows for tailored optical properties, opening up opportunities in displays, lighting, and optical communication. Certain perovskite materials show promise for energy storage applications, such as batteries, supercapacitors, and fuel cells, as well as thermoelectric energy conversion.
  • Why is it important?  Many perovskite materials exhibit excellent optoelectronic properties, such as high light absorption, long charge carrier diffusion lengths, and tunability of their bandgap. These properties make them promising for applications in solar cells, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), photodetectors, and lasers. Some perovskite materials possess ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties, which means they can generate an electric charge in response to mechanical stress or an electric field. These properties are valuable for applications in sensors, actuators, and energy harvesting devices. Perovskite materials can exhibit excellent catalytic activity for various chemical reactions, including oxidation, reduction, and photocatalysis, making them promising for applications in catalysis and environmental remediation.
  • What industries will it impact? Energy, Electronics and optoelectronics,  Sensors and actuators, Catalysis and environmental remediation, Information and communication technologies, Healthcare.
  • Market players: Saule Technologies, Microquanta Semiconductor, Swift Solar, Tokyo Chemical Industry.


(49) Antibody-drug Conjugates (ADCs)

  • What is it? Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are a class of targeted cancer therapeutics that combine the specificity of monoclonal antibodies with the potency of cytotoxic (cell-killing) drugs. ADCs are designed to selectively deliver these cytotoxic agents to cancer cells while minimizing exposure and damage to healthy cells.
  • Why is it important?  ADCs leverage the ability of monoclonal antibodies to specifically recognize and bind to antigens expressed on the surface of cancer cells. This targeted approach allows for the delivery of the cytotoxic payload directly to the tumor site, potentially improving efficacy and reducing side effects compared to conventional chemotherapy. By selectively delivering the cytotoxic drug to cancer cells, ADCs can potentially increase the therapeutic index (the ratio of the maximum tolerated dose to the minimum effective dose) compared to traditional chemotherapeutic agents, which often lack specificity and can cause significant toxicity to healthy cells. ADCs offer a new approach to treating various types of cancers, including those that are resistant to conventional therapies or those with limited treatment options available. ADCs can be used in combination with other cancer therapies, such as chemotherapy, radiation, or immunotherapy, potentially enhancing the overall treatment efficacy.
  • What industries will it impact? Pharmaceutical and biotechnology, Oncology and cancer treatment, Antibody engineering and development, Drug delivery and targeting, Clinical research and trials.
  • Market players: Adcendo, AdcentrX Therapeutics, Araris Biotech, AstraZeneca/Daiichi Sankyo, BioNTech/DualityBio, Bristol Myers Squibb, GSK, MBrace therapeutics, Pfizer/Seagen Roche, Takeda Pharmaceuticals.


(50) Heat Batteries

  • What is it? Heat batteries, also known as thermal batteries or heat storage devices, are systems designed to store thermal energy for later use. These batteries operate by capturing and storing heat, which can then be released on demand to provide heating or generate electricity through a heat engine or thermophotovoltaic conversion.
  • Why is it important?  Heat batteries offer a means of storing energy in the form of thermal energy, which can be used for heating, cooling, or electricity generation. This allows for the decoupling of energy production and consumption, enabling more efficient utilization of energy resources. Heat batteries can play a crucial role in integrating intermittent renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, into energy systems by storing excess thermal energy during periods of high production and releasing it when needed. They can capture and store waste heat from industrial processes, power plants, or other sources, allowing this otherwise wasted energy to be used for heating or electricity generation, improving overall energy efficiency. By storing heat during periods of low energy demand and releasing it when needed, heat batteries can help optimize energy systems, reducing peak demand and improving energy efficiency.
  • What industries will it impact? Energy and utilities, Industrial processes, Building and construction, Transportation,  Concentrated solar power (CSP), Aerospace and defense.
  • Market players: Rondo Energy, Sunamp.


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